Vitamin E and Selenium are powerful antioxidants, helping to protect and maintain cell membrane integrity and enhancing immune function. Free radicals are commonly produced as part of normal cell metabolism. Cellular damage or oxidative stress is a result from injury, disease and extreme work or exercise.
Free radicals can damage the structure of cell membranes; impair function of many enzymes, proteins, hormones and DNA within cells. The more active the cell, the greater the potential risk of cellular damage. Vitamin E and Selenium helps neutralize these harmful free radical reactions.
As a part of the cellular antioxidant defense system, selenium is a component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which is widely distributed throughout the body. This enzyme destroys harmful free radicals and prevents them from damaging lipid membranes of cells.
Selenium deficiencies are not only linked to loss of muscle integrity and strength, but if mares are not given an adequate amount during gestation, their colostrum will not provide the immune protection that is normally passed on to the foal. Performance and endurance horses will have greater exercise tolerance, faster recovery and reduced muscle stiffness and soreness with adequate Vitamin E and Selenium levels.
Supplementation of Vitamin E and Selenium is advised for horses that do not have access to fresh pasture. Vitamin E content of cured hay diminishes over time and depending upon soil content Selenium content is also highly variable.
The combination of Vitamin E and Selenium provide powerful antioxidant protection, helping to maintain the integrity of all cell membranes against free radical peroxides. Horses will have improved immunity, greater endurance, faster recovery with reduced muscle stiffness and soreness and enhanced performance.
A 30g dose (scoop) of Vit E & Se gives 1312 iu of Vitamin E. The 43,750 is iu / kg.
The selenium is derived from selenium yeast.
The vitamin E is: dl alpha tocopherol acetate
Selenium is 2mg / 30g.