Brubacher's Harness Supplies
/Products/Farrier Equipment/Pads/Leather/#5 KEYSTONE LEATHER PAD REGULAR


Product ID: YBS-320857

Available Stock: 4
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$14.95 / PR
Leather Pads are the right choice for your hoof care relief. Pads fit between shoe and hoof for perfect shock absorption allowing a faster healing process. They're like fine Italian Leather for horses.
- Natural, vegetable tanned leather
- No harmful chemicals
- Cut from better part of bend
- Uniform shape, clean edges
- Prime cuts! No belly or shoulder cuts
- Best quality leather at economical price!
Mustad and/or Keystone Leather
Size 3 fits:000-0 Size 4: 1-2 Size 5: 2-3 Size 6: 3-4